Proceeding Summary Pop-Up

Proceeding Summary Pop-Up

Left-click on the caption on the calendar to view a pop-up summary of the proceeding.

Depending on the status of a proceeding, the pop-up enables you to:

  • Cancel proceeding
  • Postpone (cancel for that day, but leave it on the calendar to be rescheduled later)
  • Modify (reschedule the date or change any other information)
  • Copy to create another proceeding request for the same case
  • Confirm (one business day before the proceeding date)
  • Open the full proceeding page to view more information, including the audit trail

Once a proceeding has been confirmed, it must be changed with a phone call to the Esquire scheduling office. Any changes called in will appear in your EsquireConnect account.

Once a date has passed, all buttons will disappear except Copy and Open.

If a proceeding has been canceled, you will have the option to Undo Cancel or Modify the proceeding if the date has not passed yet. Once the date passes, you can still Modify and Copy.

If a proceeding has been postponed, you will have the option to Undo Postpone or Modify the proceeding if the date has not passed yet. Once the date passes, you can still Modify and Copy.

You can also click on Open Map to Location, which will open an Internet map displaying the proceeding location and directions.

New fields:

  • Services Chosen shows all services selected for the proceeding
  • Notes displays any comments entered by the scheduler in the Scheduling page